Shower Curtain Review Project

In an AP class, the review at the end of the year can be brutal! I found this wonderful activity from the WHAP Facebook group I am in and it's amazing. Students must review all six time periods and put it on a shower curtain. Each time period has a map, SPICE chart, diagrams, etc. My students really enjoyed it and felt that they got a lot out of the project. I do this as an end-of-year review project instead of a Final Exam. I'd love to hear your feedback on them!
Student Shower Curtain Project
Another shower curtain project
And another one, they were so excited to share what they had done and what all they had learned.

We hung them out on the fences and students were paired together and peer graded one time period on each shower curtain.

It was windy! 

Fun Fact: Our principal LOVED them and actually borrowed a couple to cover the speakers at graduation!
